Roland grew up in Toronto’s inner city. At the age of 12, he was held back a year in school and moved into an assisted program. Roland’s teacher at the time told him he might graduate high school if he’s lucky, but he would certainly never amount to anything. Roland credits his success to mentors who intervened, saw potential in him, and helped change the way he thought about himself. Roland graduated high school with both athletic and academic accolades, and set national track and field records in university, at one point being ranked Top 10 all-time in four events (three of which titles still hold today). Roland went on to lead a number of international companies and start multiple successful businesses. Roland’s desire is to inspire those around him, show people that they can achieve anything, and give youth concrete tools to help them overcome obstacles.


With a voice that captures and inspires, Roland speaks to people in a way that elicits thought and change. A powerful, compassionate Black male role model to youth, Roland motivates and leads by example. His current speaking topics include:

  • Overcoming Obstacles: How To Succeed No Matter What Is In Your Way

  • Building Confidence And Eliminating Self-Doubt: How To Shift Your Inner Dialogue And Lift Yourself To Success

“Roland’s talk was riveting and very well received by our attendees! His story is one that all educators should hear!” — Board member, ECOO

“Absolutely an incredible voice and role model and mentor.” — Principal, DPCDSB

“Your story brought me to tears. Not only did it make a difference with our students, your message touched me in so many ways and has opened my eyes in how I can make a difference with my students.

Grade 8 teacher, TDSB

In my 40 years of teaching, I have never heard a more inspiring story, and I am amazed at how you were able to capture the attention of our students in a virtual setting.”

Librarian, DDSB

“What you did for our students will have a lasting impact. What you did for our teachers will change the way they approach educating our students.

Superintendent, DPCDSB

“Thank you for teaching me to believe in myself!”

— Grade 6 student, DCDSB

“I now know that I can overcome any obstacle.”

— Grade 8 student, YRDSB

“I didn't think it was possible for someone in my circumstances to become successful. After hearing you speak, I have a lot of hope, and I'm going to follow your advice to reach my full potential.”

— Grade 12 student, TDSB